Well hello there… thanks for stopping by.

I’m Lucy…

I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, as you can see from the picture (try not to be too jealous of my incredible style).

This led to me completing a BA degree in contemporary fine art and illustration, and then becoming a teacher- inspired by my amazing parents who both worked in primary schools.

Arrow pointing right

After teaching across the primary age-phase for 9 years, I decided I needed a change.

The idea for Opal Arts started while I was Art subject leader and identified the need for more creativity in the curriculum and the impact having inspirational art sessions had on the children.

The enthusiasm and joy I witnessed when I taught art lessons gave me the push to leave full-time teaching and start Opal Arts.

Although it is early days, we have had a great start and I am very excited to expand the Opal Arts family and share my love and passion for creating with as many people as I can.

So, thank you for reading my story so far and I hope you’ll join me on a creative journey.

Take care and stay weird,
